Why You Can’t Use Someone Else’s Music

royalty free music

The rights to music belong to its creators. If you don’t know the basic rules for finding legal music and using any song you like, you could get a warning for copyright infringement. Similarly, channels and profiles can be easily deleted.

YouTube. Keep an eye on the copyrights section of the Video Manager. This will show when the owner of the rights to the music you’ve used has complained to you through the Content ID service. Violations can disable monetization on the channel, block the video, mute or restrict viewing of the video on certain platforms, or even delete the channel. We recommend that you take a close look at the Copyright Center.

Instagram. Copyright infringement on Instagram can also lead to the blocking of the profile. More often, the service is limited to deleting the post.

What kind of license should a track have

There are different types of licenses. They protect the rights of authors to the content they create. Creative Commons free-use licenses have a clear classification.

Creative Commons Attribution.

Free use, you need to specify the author.

Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike

Free use with author attribution. Tracks can be modified.

Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs

In free use, the author must be credited. You may not modify the work or violate its integrity.

Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial

Free use, as long as the author of the work is credited. For non-commercial purposes only.


Pay once and use it anywhere, any way you want.

Where to get free music

Tracks that can be borrowed legally are found in directories. There is information there about the rules of using the songs – whether they can be included in commercial projects, broadcast in videos. To avoid unpleasant situations, we recommend checking for restrictions on the use of tracks in the “Terms of Use of Music” section on YouTube.


What Music:

In the catalog, you can choose tracks by genre like ambient royalty free music, duration, and even by mood. Most of the names are hardly familiar to a wide audience.

What rights to use:

According to the site, all Royalty Free Music is free for a commercial license if you have a subscription, these tracks are not claimed rights in the Content ID system – you can use them even in the videos you monetize. If there’s an “Authorship Required” icon, you’ll need to list the author in the video’s description.

How to download:

In the Free Music tab, click the arrow icon to the right of the song.

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