Top December Global Holidays in 2022

December Global Holidays

December is a month of opportunity for social festivities and restful global holidays in terms of cultural, religious, and corporate events. This month is filled with colors, gifts, and smiles, and brings family and friends closer together. Only an expert essay writer can accurately depict such events.

There is so much to cherish during December global holidays period and we have got some exciting details for you.

Top 11 December Global Holidays:

Below are some of the most prominent December global holidays celebrated across the globe:

1. Christmas

One of the most prominent December holidays is Christmas celebrated on the 25th of December. Christians throughout the world commemorate the birth of Jesus Christ. Though the exact date of Jesus’ birth is uncertain, Christmas coincides with the Roman calendar’s winter solstice, which is how it came to be.

It is a culturally rich celebration in which people dress up in a variety of brightly colored costumes. Christmas trees and other wonderful objects such as garlands and wreaths adorn the streets and homes.

Children pay extra attention to Santa Claus because of his unique attire and gift-giving tradition. On this day, folks go to church and prepare family events. The idea of Santa Claus, to whom letters are written and who receives them, enthralled children the most.

2. Hannukah

On the 8th of December, Jews celebrate the Festival of Lights, which is also known as the Jewish New Year. The Jews commemorate a miracle that occurred in Jerusalem in 165 B.C.E. Judah Maccabee defeated King Antiochus IV and prevented Jews from being forced to convert to Greek culture.

Families light a menorah, which remains lit for eight days. Every day, a candle with only one branch and an olive oil-filled bottle is lit. It represents unity and brings people together to share happiness.

Gifts are exchanged, songs sung, and Hallel prayers are recited with full zeal. One notable feature is that the celebrants consume oil-fried dishes such as potato pancakes and jam-filled donuts. This festival brings people together to spend time joyously.

3. Santa Lucia

Santa Lucia is a Swedish Christmas tradition observed on December 13th in Sweden and on other dates in other countries. Santa Lucia was a martyred Italian saint who is revered as a symbol of light in the darkest of times.

On this day, many concerts are conducted around the world, and individuals wear headdresses with actual flickering candles. Santa Lucia is said to visit households and present gifts to children while they are sleeping, earning her the nickname “The Light in the Night.”

Lussekatter, a special feast, is cooked, and hot beverages such as coffee are provided. To honor Santa Lucia and her procession, many melodic songs are sung. Swedes greet her with a string of paper lights strung over the window.

4. New Year’s Eve

It is observed on the last day of December and is used to mark the end of one year and the beginning of the next. Many religious communities assemble at places of worship for social gatherings. Parties are planned by the youth, and fireworks fill the sky at midnight.

Various countries have a festive atmosphere, and individuals wear red and gold as a symbol of good luck. The majority of people make New Year’s resolutions and set goals for the next year. Friends organize get-togethers and travel to distant places to observe these significant occasions.

So, keep safe while traveling and enjoy delectable cuisine as well as a variety of leisure activities. Different firework patterns, decorations, and other elements excite people, particularly youngsters.

5. Kwanzaa

It is a well-known celebration of African culture, primarily in the United States. Kwanzaa is taken from the Swahili word “kwanza,” which means “first.” To commemorate the occasion, traditional African songs and dances have been arranged.

People enjoy telling stories, writing poetry, and reviving African customs. On the 31st of December, a special dinner called “karamu” is made, and the celebration begins on the 26th of December.

Unity, self-determination, shared responsibility, cooperative economics, purpose, faith, and celebration are the seven principles that Maulana Karenga devised to construct this event.

Each day of this week-long festival is significant, and there are numerous celebrations to commemorate the occasion. On Mondays, red is worn to symbolize struggle, black is for solidarity, purple for spirituality, and green for community building. 

6. Boxing Day

Boxing Day, which is observed on December 26th, began as a holiday in the United Kingdom during the Middle Ages. This day is associated with the gathering of boxes for the poor and the provision of aid to those in need.

It was usual for slaves to beg, and they were given a stipend to spend time with their families and have some time off. There are many different perspectives on this occasion; some believe it was a day when churches liberally distributed charity boxes to those in need after Christmas.

Some people use this day to give gifts to postmen, servants, and others. Several countries, including Canada, the United Kingdom, New Zealand, and Australia, have designated it a national holiday. Sports activities are also organized in some nations, and it is also known as St. Stephen’s Day.

7. Human Rights Day

The United Nations General Assembly declared December 10th to be Human Rights Day. It is a symbol of sticking up for one’s rights as well as the rights of others. Various educational programs are held to promote humane practices and equality in the face of all forms of discrimination.

It opposes racist behavior and violence motivated by caste, race, or creed. Communities from all over the world come together to raise awareness about the need of allowing everyone the freedom to live and practice their cultural norms.

It is underlined that the law applies equally to all citizens and should be unbiased. People are encouraged to band together and speak out against unethical acts to empower one another. It emphasizes human dignity and shared responsibility for one another.

8. Bodhi Day

The Buddhist countries commemorate it on December 8th. It is used to cherish the day when Siddhartha Gautama attained enlightenment as a result of his teachings. People meditate, meet with each other, and sit in passive positions for extended periods to reflect on their personal lives.

In Japan, this festival has taken on the status of a New Year’s celebration, with spirituality being practiced and individuals devoting time to meditation. Sambuddhatva Jayanthi and Sambuddha are two more names for the birthday of spiritual awakening and enlightenment.

Buddha’s sayings and wise words are well-known in many parts of the world. His love for humanity, as well as his emphasis on purifying souls from immoral acts, inspires people.

9. Krampusnacht

Krampusnacht is a European ritual in which households place plates on their tables before going to bed on the 6th of December. When the children wake up, it is expected that they will find gifts on their plates.

The good kids receive gifts, while the bad ones receive sticks. Saint Nicholas and a half-goat are the main protagonists of Krampusnacht. Half-demon character known as “Grumpus” or “Krampus” is said to sneak into households and leave sticks and gifts.

Children are enthralled by this event as they anticipate their gifts and are encouraged to perform good deeds. Saint Nicholas gives children this encouragement, and children who do something wrong are punished by Grumpus.

10. World AIDS Day

The first of December is a worldwide holiday honoring individuals who have died as a result of AIDS. It was discovered for the first time in 1988, following the declaration in 1987 that HIV was a cause of AIDS.

It focuses on helping those who are suffering from chronic conditions and raising awareness about how to receive help. The origins of the disease’s spread are investigated, and numerous awareness programs are held around the world to combat its spread.

Candles are lit, art projects are held, and a variety of other events take place to raise awareness of the dangers it poses. It is also used to remember those who have died as a result of such a deadly disease and to protect others from succumbing to the same fate.

11. Yule

Yule is a long December holiday that begins on December 21st and ends on January 1st. Yuletide is a German celebration that is also known as Christmas. It is the world’s oldest pagan festival, and it is observed as a spectacular celebration all across the world.

Families join together to enhance their bonds, in addition to sharing gifts, lighting fires, and lighting candles. It is thought that around this time of year, the sky had a hole through which people could view the Sun.

The Yules is said to purge the sins of those with supernatural powers. During this time, various Nordic traditions are observed, and people enjoy lengthy holidays. As a result, the December global holidays are vibrant and offer a wide range of entertainment options.


December Global Holidays are jam-packed with festivities and holidays, making it the ideal time to take a break from work and spend time with your loved ones. Gifts are exchanged, and the destitute are given charity. Families get the opportunity to spend quality time together, reflect on the previous year, and set goals for the incoming year.

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