How to Fix a Patchy Lawn

Fix Patchy Lawn

Did you know that lawns in the United States of America cover a total of 63,000 square miles of land? Having a nice lawn is a status symbol to many homeowners as it shows off the care and dedication that they put toward keeping their property nice. No one wants to be the person in the neighborhood that has a patchy lawn.

If you’ve noticed that your yard is developing patchy grass then it’s time to take action and do something to rectify the situation. If you’re a new homeowner then it’s possible that you have no idea how to fix a lawn.

The good news is that you’ve found the perfect guide to fixing your lawn and getting rid of those pesky grass patches. Keep reading this article to learn some helpful lawn care tips today!

What Causes a Patchy Lawn?

It’s important to have a better understanding of what is causing your lawn to contain patchy grass before you can find solutions to the problem. Having a lawn that makes your neighbors green with envy isn’t unobtainable, but you need to diagnose the problem. There could be a number of causes behind the sparse areas of your yard where grass seed doesn’t seem to set down roots.

A big reason why grass becomes patchy is due to heavy volumes of foot traffic in your yard. If you have children that enjoy playing outside then it’s possible that your grass is struggling due to the toll that it takes from outdoor activities. You also need to take the weather into consideration, especially if you’re in the midst of a drought.

Weed and insect infestations are also common causes of a patchy lawn. Another possibility behind your patchy lawn is the impact that urine from your pets is having on the soil and the existing blades of grass. Finding the underlying issue is the biggest key to repairing your lawn.

If you’re struggling to get to the bottom of the issue then it makes a lot of sense to reach out to professionals, like those at DTL Total Turf Care. They can look at the condition of your soil and determine what is causing the issues with your patchy lawn.

Repairing Your Patchy Lawn

A big part of the problem with repairing your lawn is determining how large the troublesome area is. You can put down grass seed in areas that are the size of your fist that aren’t filling in. Spot seeding is effective if your lawn issues are smaller in scale and you want a fun DIY project out in the sun.

Lawns that have multiple areas where grass doesn’t seem to grow are bigger tasks to tackle. If you’re worried about these areas then it’s best to use an overseeding method to ensure that your grass seed takes root. Even if you don’t have a patchy lawn it’s a good idea to oversee your lawn at least once each year.

The best time to proceed with overseeding your lawn is during the autumn months or during spring. Use a push spreader to spread the grass seed throughout your lawn for a full and lush yard.

You should also take steps to fix your lawn prior to adding more grass seed. Here’s a closer look at the steps that you need to take to fix the patchy lawn at your home.

Soil Compaction and pH Levels

A big issue that many homeowners run into with their lawns is soil that gets too compacted. If the soil gets too compacted the grass will struggle to get the water and oxygen that it needs to grow and thrive.

The solution to this problem is quite simple. You’ll need to find a professional lawn care service to help you with aerating your yard’s soil. This will allow the soil to become loose again and the grass seed to spread roots and produce lush grass.

It’s also possible that you’re facing issues with the pH levels in the soil. If your soil is too acidic then you can fix this issue by adding lime to the soil. Taking these steps is a great path toward learning how to repair a lawn.

Prepare Your Lawn

The next step that you’ll need to take is to get your lawn ready for the seeding process. Now that the soil is aerated and you’ve spread the lime over your lawn, you’ll want to take steps to get rid of any weeds that are springing up in your yard. Look for weeds in the area where you plan to spread the grass seed in your yard.

This is especially important if you’re finding weeds after aerating your yard’s soil. The good news is that the weed growth points toward the possibility of growing lush grass with ease.

An easy way to get started is to use a rake to comb over the surface of your yard’s soil. That will break up the soil and allow for the grass seed to entrench itself in your yard.

Use Quality Grass Seed

Inflation is up and the economy is down, but you can’t cut corners when it comes to grass seed if you want to fix your patchy lawn. You’re making a big mistake by choosing to cut corners and save money on a lower-quality grass seed as you’re going to end up facing the same issues that you’re trying to fix in a few months.

You need to make sure that you’re getting a grass seed that matches up with the grass in your yard. You should also consider the local weather and climate conditions to find a grass seed that will thrive before you start seeding the grass patches. 

If you’re not sure where, to begin with choosing grass seed then it’s best to consult with a professional lawn care technician. It’s also a good idea to consider using a mix of grass seeds as this will add to the biodiversity of your lawn. The same idea applies to lawns where you’re up against a lawn disease that you’re hoping to eradicate.

Guarantee Seed-to-Soil Contact

You will struggle to overcome your patchy lawn if you can’t guarantee seed-to-soil contact prior to seeding your yard. The seed will not put down roots in the soil if it never contacts the aerated soil in your yard. Many homeowners make the mistake of using excessive amounts of thatch along with grass seed to try to germinate the yard.

The grass seed will put down roots but the odds of the seeds reaching the soil are low. You will find that the grass seed dies during the first stretch of hot, dry weather in the future. It’s a major waste of time and money to try to repair a lawn if you don’t do it the proper way.

Use a Starter Fertilizer

Using starter fertilizer is a great idea if you’re hoping to help the germinated grass seeds on their journey to becoming mature, lush grass. These seeds need an ample supply of phosphorous in order to aid in the growth process and eliminate those bald spots in your lawn. A good starter fertilizer will contain both phosphorous and nitrogen to help the roots get ahold of the soil and start growing.

Use a Topdressing

It’s an extra step, but you will have zero regrets if you choose to put forth the extra effort of using topdressing to fix your lawn. It’s important that you use weed-free topdressing if you want the best results for your lawn as summer approaches. Your grass will get some extra nutrients that it needs to continue thriving no matter the conditions that Mother Nature throws its way.

Topdressing also helps by adding organic matter and microorganisms to your home’s lawn. You will give your lawn a much better chance of overcoming disease in the future if you use topdressing during the seeding process. Your grass will also have the resources that it needs to overcome periods of drought and excessive heat.

Prioritize Germination

The saying with lawn care is that if the grass seed dries, it will end up dying. You need to prioritize your lawn during the germination process if you want it to grow into beautiful and lush grass. It’s best to come up with a watering schedule for your lawn so that you can eliminate those pesky grass patches and get the perfect lawn.

Prevent a Pesky, Patchy Lawn Today

Having a patchy lawn is a bit embarrassing when you look around the neighborhood and see the perfect lawns all around you. Patchy grass might seem like it’s impossible to conquer, but there are plenty of steps that you can take to fix a lawn on your own or with the help of an experienced professional. Make sure that you use quality grass seed and that you’re using topdressing for the best results.

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