G Suite for SMEs is Now Google Workspace

g suite for sme

If you have or work for an SME, you probably know how disorganized a business can become when people are forced to work from different locations. Communication suffers as people tend to focus on their own tasks and situations. Without a clear system in place, documents can get lost, messages can go unreturned, and your most loyal customers can feel that your company has forgotten about them.

An SME that had a subscription to G suite was much more efficient and organized. G Suite acted as a virtual office. It was a place where you could easily communicate with colleagues, keep track of your customer’s business, and generally connect with whatever was happening in your company.

Google has upgraded G Suite and renamed it Google Workspace. And DTAC has added a few benefits that make subscribing to a DTAC plan with Google Workspace probably your best telecommunications decision. 

Google Workspace is the Future of Work

Google has referred to their latest offering as the ‘future of work’ based on observations they’ve seen over the past couple of years.

Many studies were undertaken during the Covid pandemic on the effects of working from home and trying to maintain the same business goals as before the pandemic. Most of them revealed that the more flexible an organizational business system was, the better the employees performed with it, and the easier it became to reach the same goals as they had in the past. 

Google focused on the concept of a ‘hybrid office’ as the answer for a workplace of the future. Hybrid offices are not a new concept. Customer Relationship Management (CRM) programs have been around for some time. 

But most CRMs have a level of rigidity that works against the concept of flexibility. And this flexibility was determined to be extremely valuable in helping small and medium businesses weather the storm of Covid travel restrictions, lockdowns, and quarantines. 

In upgrading G suite, Google used flexibility as the end goal to be achieved in creating the new Google Workspace. 

Enhancing Google Workspace

DTAC realized they could offer some services that would enhance the capabilities of SMEs in Thailand that were adopting the new Google Workspace. 

Google Workspace is more interactive. It easily integrates audio and video to encourage face to face communications. And as many people use their phones as their principal communications devices, DTAC saw the need for whether to choose a phone package that could be tied to your phone’s sim card or directly to Google Workplace.  

A flexible hybrid office needs to have more file-sharing options. DTAC created packages that included a free email domain to enable greater file-sharing capabilities when employees are not in the office. 

DTAC also knows that a busy SME needs to always have their communications up and running to be able to compete. They’ve included a team of Thai tech experts to help you quickly solve any issues. 

To find out what Google Workspace can offer with enhanced telecommunications capabilities, contact DTAC today. 

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