Chemotherapy: How Does It Work?


Cancer is one of the most devastating diseases that a person could ever go through. Cancer is highly fatal such that it is the leading cause of death worldwide, with the illness accounting for nearly 10 million fatalities reported in 2020 alone.

Fortunately, modern medicine and science have vastly evolved. Treatments like chemotherapy can prolong and even save the lives of people suffering from the disease. However, early detection is necessary for the administration of such therapies.

Cancer Research U.K. reports that most women diagnosed with breast cancer at an early stage survive the illness for at least five years.

Common Cancer Signs and Symptoms

No one is exempted from a possible diagnosis, making it crucial to identify if you exhibit cancer symptoms. However, it is not ideal to self-diagnose in any situation, especially concerning cancer.

If you’re exhibiting signs of cancer, always consult a medical professional first before jumping to conclusions. You could also watch out for these telltale signs and discuss them with your doctor during checkups.

1. Unusual pain

Pain can mean multiple things in the context of cancer. Bone cancer often begins with unbearable pain, and brain tumors often cause reoccurring headaches even with medication. If you consistently experience pain for an extended period, immediately schedule a visit to your doctor.

2. Sudden weight loss

If you start to notice that you’re losing weight without even trying or despite being a healthy eater, it’s best to see your doctor for a consultation. Although weight loss does not necessarily point to cancer, people unaware of their disease look back on their sudden drop in weight after being diagnosed.

3. Constant fatigue and fever

Being constantly tired despite having enough rest is not normal. For instance, if you’re suffering from colon or stomach cancer, the tremendous amount of blood loss within your bodily system may leave you exhausted.

Additionally, having a fever for more than three days is a cause for concern. People suffering from blood cancers like lymphoma can experience days or weeks of continuous agitation.

4. Skin changes

Skin that has darkened, changed to yellow or red, grown more hair, or unexplained rashes should be examined by a doctor. These changes in your skin might be warning signs of severe illnesses like lymphoma, liver, ovarian, or kidney cancer.

Additionally, bumps, moles, and unusual marks on your body should also be checked to ensure that it is not skin cancer that’s causing those issues.

5. Anemia

Lymphoma, leukemia, and multiple myeloma attack your bone marrow, the organ responsible for producing the red blood cells your body needs. People suffer from anemia due to the body not producing enough red blood cells. This is one of the significant signs of cancer, and a checkup should be your priority if anemia afflicts you.

Curing the Disease

If you or someone you know has been diagnosed with cancer, do not lose hope. Treatments like chemotherapy can greatly help you battle the disease. However, it’s understandable if you’re also apprehensive about the treatment and what it can do to your body. The accompanying infographic can serve as a valuable resource as it provides an in-depth look at how chemotherapy works.

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