Best Practices For Your Email Marketing Design

Companies have to communicate with their customers, potential customers, and other related audiences. Email marketing continues to be the number one way to communicate and share marketing messages, beating out social media, website messaging, and other popular marketing channels. But just because it’s the top channel for marketing doesn’t mean it’s easy to do. To create email campaigns that truly work, companies must use best practices.

First, your company needs to understand how it wants to talk to its audience. Are you lighthearted, whimsical, funny? Or should your emails (and other marketing messages) be succinct, professional, and straight-laced? Craft a subject line and content that speaks to your audience the way they prefer, then, using your data from A/B tests from previous campaigns, figure out when to send the email. Will, it is opened by more people at 9 am on Monday or at 3 pm on Saturday afternoon? The point, just like with other marketing best practices, is to meet audiences where they are with the content and information they want.

Good email design extends beyond what and how you write the message. It also includes the way the campaign looks. The elements of the email need to pull the recipient in, make them want to read what you said, and want to click through the call to action (CTA). Color theory also comes into play here; for example, you could create the most incredible email campaign out there, but if the font is too small and is a light grey on a white background, no one can read it, and no one will follow through.

Get to know — or better yet, become an expert in — email marketing best practices so you can tailor your campaigns and see higher ROI. This infographic will help you get started.

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