Angular Vs Vue: Which Framework to Choose in 2022?

Angular vs. Vue

JavaScript frameworks are always popular in the field of front-end development. They are superior for future developments and make cross-platform app creation simple. But not every framework is well-liked.

Angular and Vue shine out when it comes to selecting popular front-end JavaScript frameworks in 2022. Which framework, nevertheless, will be more beneficial for your firm despite its many advantages? Let’s briefly go through each JavaScript framework before making some notable comparisons.

Describe Angular

An open-source framework called Angular is being considered for creating dynamic websites and apps with Google’s help. Angular is supported by a wide variety of code editors and falls under the MEAN stack group.


Its most recent release, angular 12, included some fantastic features for usage in development, including support for TypeScript 4.2, improvements to the CLI workflow, dynamic import for lazy routes, and differential loading.

Benefits of Angular

The following are some benefits of utilizing the Angular framework:

1. Deep Linking Module

For the creation of single-page apps, Angular provides developers with a broad linking module. It adds to the benefits of Ajax and aids in understanding how it works for your app project.

2. Rendering on the server

Better server-side rendering options are available with Angular framework to speed up client-side page loading. It results in a JavaScript framework that is friendlier to SEO.

      3. Tools and Filters

In order to provide a quicker and better working environment, Angular provides a multitude of filters, tools, and features. These functions include Node 10 compatibility, an Ivy preview, virtual scrolling, lazy loading, etc.

      4. Distinguishing Concerns

The Paradigm-View-Controller (MVC) model aids in the division of concerns. The same is followed by Angular. As a result, development becomes cleaner and quicker over time.

       5. Update the scope using CLI

Installing and utilizing Angular CLI is simple for developers. It offers testing tools that are effective and simpler orders to mobility specialists. It is supported by many platforms and developers to assist you in updating every component of the programme.

Additionally, it contains the parts that rely on libraries and APIs from other sources.

       6. Testing and upkeep

The comprehensive debugging and refactoring features provided by Angular IO aid developers in maintenance and testing operations. It may also test the entire project using a single testing tool, such as Protractor, Karma, or Jasmine. Additionally, it eases the burden on developers to guarantee extremely effective results.

In order to choose wisely between Angular and Vue in the Angular vs. Vue comparison, look at the introduction of Vue and its benefits now that you have a basic understanding of both technologies.

Describe Vue.js

Another open-source framework that can handle issues with React and Angular is Vue. It is in significant demand in the industry to create single-page web apps.


The most recent version of Vue.js, Vue 3, contains a number of intriguing enhancements and capabilities. It includes features like the accurate creation of independent reactive objects, the introduction of slots, template compile warnings with source data, and async error handling.

Benefits of Vue

Vue.js is one of the well-known front-end JavaScript frameworks that you may use to satisfy your demands for developing apps, and it offers benefits like:

1. Learning Ease

One of the most well-known JS frameworks in 2019 is Vue CLI. Its CLI is quite basic when compared to other frameworks that use Angular.

In addition, it offers extensive and current documentation. Because of this, it has emerged as the top choice for anyone looking to enter the development environment.

2. Memory Usage

Another advantage of Vue.js development is that the finished application only weighs 18kb when compressed. As a result, it is the best choice for those who want great feature accessibility and low memory usage.

3. Download speed

One of the main reasons why developers use Vue is its small app size. It features a small app size and so, you may download and use the programme faster.

4. Ability to read

Anyone may use the Vue framework to read and comprehend the code simply for progressing the app development process because it is built in JavaScript and has the property of clean codes.

5. Client-Side Rendering

Vue.js also offers the option of server-side rendering, which is an additional benefit. As a result, user experience improves progressively thanks to faster page operations on the client side.

6. Integration’s Purpose

The integration process is facilitated by Vue.js. Because of this, developers choose it for both building single-page apps from the ground up and adding high-end components to an existing one.

Which One Is More Popular Between Angular and Vue?

According to the 2020 Stack Overflow Survey, 54.0% of developers use Angular to create web applications, whereas 66.0% of developers use Vue.js.

Favorite web frameworks. As a result, more people are using Vue.js than Angular. Although the adjustment has occurred soon after the introduction surely while thinking sustainability in present times.

Vue is the most popular and downloaded web framework, but it does not always imply it is the best or will always be the same. Other frameworks might potentially be the decisive element in a certain type of web development project.

1. Initial Learning Curve

You need to be familiar with ideas like MVC and TypeScript if you want to build an Angular project. The same is not true with Vue, though. Vue is easier to use than Angular since it offers more customisation and built-in templates.

React and Angular are combined to create Vue. As a result, developers can simply implement mobility solutions based on Angular or React on the Vue.js framework.

2. The Performance of the Application

When developing a web application, performance is really essential, and you can only do it using the DOM (Document Object Model). Most importantly, this component has the ability to alter how well the entire website functions. Although both Angular and Vue make use of virtual DOM capabilities, Vue prevails in this race.

The modified elements are redone after updating the virtual DOM. It thus speeds up the performance of the application.

3. Complexity

Vue has a simpler API and design than Angular because it was developed much later than Angular and the other JavaScript frameworks. However, Angular is more complicated in the development environment than Vue.

4. Scalability

Because it provides a proper modular development framework, Angular is more scalable than Vue. While Vue employs template-based syntax, which reduces code reuse in large-scale projects.

5. Versatility

Compared to Angular, Vue is more adaptable and provides developers with official support for a wide range of development platforms without putting undue strain on the app’s structure. This shows that, in terms of versatility, Vue is a superior option over Angular.

6. The Community of Developers and Accessibility

As we have become used to these two systems’ fundamentals, we have seen that both Vue and Angular have the strong network backing of well-known companies like Facebook and Google.

7. Data Binding

Vue is based on the idea of one-way data binding, in which changes to the UI components must first be made to the model state. The two-way data binding approach used by Angular, on the other hand, causes model state to change when a UI component is changed and vice versa.

Even while two-way binding seems like a more straightforward strategy, it is slower than Vue’s one-way binding method in terms of accelerating non-trivial applications and data flow.

8. Architecture

Another fundamental component that influences the choice of the best web app framework is architecture. When creating dynamic web apps and websites, Angular uses the MVC (Model-View-Controller) and MVVM (Model-View-ViewModel) architectural patterns.

9. Examining

Angular is a better choice than Vue in terms of testing. It has a fantastic testing mechanism and offers a variety of tools like Karma and Jasmine that look at the development code in its entirety independently.

However, Vue offers fewer testing rules, which makes it challenging for developers to provide an error-free product.

10. Support for TypeScript

With TypeScript, the improved version of JavaScript, Angular has an exact integration. You cannot code in the Angular environment without TypeScript.

Vue, on the other hand, considers JS while developing code. However, it also gives programmers access to official decorators and types for working with TypeScript features in the programming world.

11. Effortless Deployment

Options like dynamic import for lazy routes, improved CLI workflow, differential loading, and other features make deployment easier with the new Angular version.

However, when it comes to Vue development, you can either import anything into the app market or build a sophisticated local setup utilizing the CLI to control code optimization. You may pre-compile the templates offered by Vue.js and take advantage of elements’ lazy loading.

12. App Size and Loading Time

The most recent versions of Angular have tree-shaking and AOT compilation, which significantly reduce the size of the app. An Angular-based application, however, is not as lightweight as one created with the Vue framework.

13. Popularity

Vue is getting more forks and stars, but there aren’t enough contributors and commits, according to GitHub. This makes choosing between Angular and Vue as the more popular framework challenging.

The figure below shows how these frameworks’ escalating demand for a given date illustrates how both web frameworks have grown in popularity over time.

14. Mobility Solutions

Angular is a web app framework used for creating real-time applications like messaging or instant chat. On the other hand, Vue is used to create user-friendly, lightweight web programmes.

When Should You Use Angular?

For your development project, choose Angular if:

  • You favor object-oriented programming.
  • A complicated, dynamic, and sizable app project will be yours to manage.
  • You may become familiar with TypeScript before beginning your project.
  • You require scalable reliability and simplicity.
  • All you require is a real-time app, such as a chat or instant messaging programme.

When to Choose Vue?

If you want to construct a web app, you should use Vue.js.

  • Your preference is for clear code.
  • You’ll create a simple, one-page application.
  • A head start on the competition is what you’re after.
  • Your application project’s scope is rather modest in breadth.
  • Your requirements are high performance and quickness.

Which one, Angular or Vue, is superior?

Only the similarities and differences between these two frameworks are highlighted by the comparison of Angular and Vue. For instance, Angular is a better choice if your company needs scalability more than speed.

On the other hand, Vue can seem like a better option if you are developing a tiny, highly functional project.

A Comparison between Angular and Vue

Both Angular and Vue perform admirably. All you have to do is determine which of these two frameworks best suits your project’s requirements.

If you’re still having trouble deciding, give them both a try and see which one works best for your company. If not, get in touch with a web development firm that offers Angular and Vue development services.

FAQs Concerning Angular vs. Vue

Is Vue preferable than Angular?

It entirely relies on the elements you take into account. For instance, Vue is superior to Angular if you take into account elements like flexibility, complexity, lightweight, or performance.

Is Angular more superior to Vue.js?

The answer again relies on the elements you emphasize. Angular defeats Vue in terms of architecture, typescript support, testing, and community support.

What distinguishes angular and Vue from one another?

While Vue is a progressive framework perfect for building single-page applications, Angular is a web app framework. While Vue.js is good for creating lightweight single-page apps, Angular is ideal for creating large projects.

Author Bio

Santhosh is a Digital Marketing Executive. He designs marketing strategies with the intention of using high-quality content to educate and engage audiences. His specialties include social media marketing specialist, SEO, and he works closely with B2B and B2C businesses, providing digital marketing strategies  that gain social media attention and increases your search engine visibility.

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